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Logopeda en Bombay

¿Está buscando un terapeuta del habla capacitado en Mumbai para su niño/niño/niño/adolescente/adulto? Sounderic ofrece terapia del habla en línea en Mumbai a niños y adultos con trastornos cognitivos, del habla, del lenguaje y de la voz. Nuestros patólogos del habla y el lenguaje brindan terapia del habla a niños y adultos con trastornos de la articulación, autismo, retraso del habla, tartamudeo/tartamudeo, problemas de aprendizaje, rehabilitación posterior al accidente cerebrovascular para la afasia y la apraxia, trastornos de la voz en niños, adultos y usuarios profesionales de la voz. ¡Reserva una sesión de logopedia ahora!

Top 5 Speech Therapists or Speech Therapy Clinics in Gurgaon

Rainbow Child Care


Rainbow Child Care provides multi-diciplinary services for children having neurodevelopmental, neupsychiatric, psychological, behavioral and language disorders.


At Rainbow Child Care their mission is to provide holistic care with all therapies under one roof for theraputic needs of children with developmental difficulties.


+91 9536548548

H. No. 56, Basement House, DLF Phase 5, Sector 43, Gurugram, Haryana 122003

Sunshine Gurgaon


Sunshine is a centre for children and adults with special needs. They are committed towards inclusion of people with special needs in the society. They provide therapies and education to help people of all abilities reach their highest potential. 


+91 99996 48718

Medick Curo Clinic


Medick Curo Clinic is a multispeciality centre located at Gurgaon providing high quality treatment with advance approaches of treatment for the rehabilitation of kids and adults with the intention to make them achieve maximum potential development.


+91 96543 68880,

V-Listen Speech & Hearing Clinic


V-Listen comes up with state of the art technology in field of Audiology and Speech Therapy, equipped with RCI registered professionals and latest equipments to tackle the need of Newborns to Elderly. They run with strong belief “Prevention is better than cure” and work towards Early Identification and Treatment of Hearing loss or Speech problems.

+91 99990 08937


C-1258, Ground Floor

Mulberry lane

Ansal Esencia

Sector 67, Gurgaon

ASHA clinic


A clinic where patient’s listening needs are understood and given personalized attention by experienced and expert team ASHA. Clinic offers early detection and early intervention of speech and hearing disorders and latest hearing aid and cochlear implant technology.

Way back in 1996 ASHA clinic was established by  Asha Agarwal with the MISSION “Give joy of Hearing and speaking by breaking barriers of Silence”




Plot no. 79, Ground Floor,

Saraswati Kunj, Sec 53 Gurugram (HR)

Phone No. +91-93138-26947

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