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Online Speech Therapy
for Stuttering 

Online speech therapy for stuttering

Online Speech Therapy For Stuttering 

Overcome stuttering while sitting at home.

  • Along with the traditional stuttering therapy, we also help you combat your fears, hesitations, unhelpful thoughts, anxiety, etc regarding your stuttering. 

  • There are so many stuttering programs for adults, and anyone is bound to get confused. We at Sounderic are here to help you choose the program best suited for you. Your success is our primary aim. 

  • Our speech therapists have 10+ years of experience, are non-judgemental, and use all the new evidence-based treatment practices. 

  • We offer online stuttering therapy sessions which you can join from any part of the world.

  • We also offer group online stuttering therapy sessions for you to practice your techniques with others in a safe and comfortable environment.

Why Choose Sounderic for Online Stuttering Therapy if you are an Adult?

Trained speech therapists

Open 6 days

a week

Affordable pricing

and plans

No waiting


Easily schedule appointment 

  • Are you feeling depressed,anxious, self-concious?

  • Do you feel a lack of confidence?

  • Do you avoid going out or meeting new people or even hesitate asking questions or responding in meetings?

No More! Sounderic has just the right treatment plans for you. 

Our Speech Therapists are professional, empathetic, and understand what you are going through. They have helped 1000+ individuals overcome stuttering. We offer online stuttering therapy for adults.

What is stuttering ?

Stuttering is a speech disorder where speech is interrupted by repetitions, prolongations of sounds, or blocks. It is accompanied by tension, struggle and secondary behaviours. For example: "Sssssomeday we will go", "I-I-I-I need water".

Stuttering can have an impact on self-esteem and interactions with other people. Increased social anxiety and negative thoughts and feelings, decreased self-confidence reduce the quality of life. The treatment primarily comprises of stuttering modification techniques and fluency enhancement. 

Stuttering in Adults

Researchers currently believe that stuttering is caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, language development, environment, as well as brain structure and function. Working together, these factors can influence the speech of a person who stutters.

Seniors may begin to stutter often due to neurogenic reasons. Perhaps a stroke has altered areas of their brain that control language processing and correct formulation of words. Perhaps a fall or bump may have caused a concussion or other mental conditions. Like any other speech disorder, it requires therapy and practice to treat or manage it.

Although stuttering treatment for adults usually requires longer therapy, but it is also very effective as adults can take responsibility and track their progress during the therapy.

Types of Stuttering 

There are 2 main types of stuttering:

  • Developmental stuttering – the most common type of stammering that happens in early childhood when speech and language skills are developing quickly

  • Acquired or late-onset stammering – is relatively rare and happens in older children and adults as a result of a head injury, stroke or progressive neurological condition. It can also be caused by certain drugs, medicines, or psychological or emotional trauma

Myths of Stuttering?

Unpredicted variation in fluency along with no abnormalities in the oral peripheral mechanism makes stuttering mysterious, and in turn, prone to evoke speculations about its cause and treatment modalities.

  • Myth one- There are deformities in the speech organs such as the tongue, palate, or jaw of the person who stutters and is unable to be moved properly.

  • Myth two- Forcing left-handed children to use their right hand might cause stuttering in childhood. 

  • Myth three- Working mothers in India contribute to the poor emotional development of the child leading to stuttering in early childhood.

  • Myth four- Medicines or Ayurvedic treatment can help get rid of stuttering.

The specialists at Sounderic help you with every aspect, ranging from assessment, diagnosis, to clearing the myths, at online stuttering therapy​.

What Causes Stuttering?

Stuttering can co-occur with other speech disorders as well. Risk factors for persistent Stuttering can include 
1. Family history of persistent stuttering,
2. Co-occurring speech and language impairments, time duration since onset of greater than 6 to 12 months, or no improvements over several months.
3. It also has a genetic component to it, therefore, an increased incidence of stuttering is noted amongst first-degree relatives such as a sibling or parent.
4. Brain differences: Studies show that children with stuttering showed differences in the way their brain works when they speak.
5. It is also seen that boys are more likely to continue stammering as compared to girls.​
6. Abnormalities in speech motor control. Some evidence indicates that abnormalities in speech motor control, such as timing, sensory and motor coordination, may be involved.​

7. A change in the environment( moving to new neighborhood, losing friends, or separations from siblings) around a person can also trigger stuttering.

8. Stressful situations( like public speaking, emotional stress, or confessing feelings) can also trigger stuttering in adults. 

Know more about what causes stuttering in adults.

How many people in India have stuttering ?

The prevalence of stuttering in India is 10% as compared to countries like Great Britain, Australia, and America, which have prevalences of 0.75-1%. That is an estimated 11 to 12 million people in India. According to a survey report, only 45% of people with stuttering know about speech therapy as a treatment option while 55 % are still unaware.

What is the role of a speech therapist? 

A speech-language pathologist plays a major role in assessing, screening, diagnosing, preparing, and administering a treatment plan for the stuttering disorder. The speech therapist creates awareness and debunks myths related to stuttering. They counsel individuals and families and provide education about self-acceptance and reduce negative reactions. Speech-language pathologists majorly focus on building an intervention plan that targets functional outcomes and teaching recent evidence-based techniques in the session. They also provide you with information about local support groups and advocate for your needs. Reach out to a speech language pathologist for speech therapy for stammering. 

An SLP helps you maintain the pace of your words, overcoming the block and regaining the confidence to speak. Out of all the available treatment modalities speech therapy is undoubtedly the best for adults to overcome stuttering and now you can receive speech therapy in- person or online from the comfort of your home via our online stuttering therapy program for adults.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Stuttering?

1. Part-word repetition of sounds and syllables (p-p-p-pot)

2. Prolonged sounds (Ttttttttttttable)

3. Blocks or stops( Difficulty getting sounds/words out, feeling stuck)

4. Avoiding words that are difficult to say

5. Shy around people or strangers, or shows anxiety when trying to speak

6. Dysfluent under certain speaking situations, and unexpected fluency in others.

7. Secondary behaviors like hand/foot-tapping, blinking, no eye contact, clenching fists, jaw jerks, tremors in lips/jaw, facial ticks.

8. Negative reactions for others often contribute to negative behaviors by adults who stammer, like disengaging  from social situations and decreased self esteem.

9. Taking a pause before starting a sentence.

10. Secondary behavior are not very significant in adults as most of them have developed tricks to avoid the words they have difficultly with by either stopping their use or replacing them with their synonyms.

Online Speech Therapy

Need to know more about our services, cost, benefits, timings? Call us.


Treatment for Stuttering

Management and Treatment of Stuttering is a journey. A journey that will come to fruition once you accept and work on it.

Step 1: Our speech-language pathologists will perform a comprehensive assessment to identify the areas of need.

Step 2: We make a customized speech therapy plan for you. You will be an active participant in the process of planning. We work on goals that target real-life situations and give you the desired results.  

Step 3: Our experienced speech-language pathologists work intensively with you to implement the plan. We work on improving your fluency in various settings whether it is at work, socially, or with family.

Practice the techniques taught to you by the speech-language pathologist and identify the ones that work best for you.  Use the techniques in the real world.


“Speaking is such an important aspect of our life but people who can easily converse often tend to not notice this fact easily....but people like me who are facing some or many problems while speaking even a simple sentence understand its importance. After 2/3 years when I detected, I had a stammer/block hurdle while speaking I decided to consult a therapist and came across Sanya Mam's Sounderic. Not a single day after that I felt she was my therapist. A friend is a perfect word to describe how she interacted with me. Simple tricks and lessons made me realize that it's not so hard to overcome your problem but yes you need to practice it continuously even when you feel you are doing good. This was the most important lesson mam taught me. So I will encourage all the people who face such problems that come out and seek help because it's really normal to have such a problem and it doesn't feel weird at all. Accepting our problems and acting upon them is the best we can do and with Sounderic I assure you that the results would be great but only if you yourself wish for it.”                                            Yash Shahane

“When I realized I needed therapy to get better at speaking, I explored the possibilities of online therapy and the search ended here at Sounderic. The team is very dedicated and although the sessions were timed, they went above and beyond to deliver the best.

                                     Ajo Jacob


“I was a great experience undergoing sessions under Ms. Sanya. Undergoing sessions under her not only improved my social anxiety, but also improved my fluency, and tone of voice. I also learned to be assertive in social situations.”

                                      Gaurav Singh

“I developed stuttering issues as a teenager and kept ignoring it for a long time. Sanya (from Sounderic) helped me get through it step by step. Speech therapy can immensely improve communication skills in your personal and professional lives. So, don't hesitate even if you're an adult..”

                                    Sujatro Majumder

Why choose Sounderic for Online speech therapy for Stuttering?

Stuttering can greatly interfere with work and social interactions. The stammering treatment for adults consists of several aspects like Speech Therapy and Psychological counseling. Speech therapy for stuttering is a journey that will only come to fruition if you work hard on it and practice all strategies and techniques regularly. The lack of understanding about stuttering, which could be eliminated through counseling during a speech therapy session, needs to be exposed. After an evaluation, the speech therapist will teach Direct and Indirect strategies to help make it easier for you to talk. Speech therapy for stammering adults involves working on increasing awareness of stuttering and secondary behaviors, reducing the instances of stuttering, decreasing the tension and struggle of stuttering moments, working to decrease word or situation avoidance; Using effective communication skills; and, Increasing overall communication confidence.

Better care starts now!

When to get help? 

  • If your speech has worsened and there are a lot of repetitions.

  • If you avoid words that are difficult to say.

  • If you feel social anxiety when trying to speak.

  • There is a family history of stuttering.

  • If stuttering is impacting your daily life.

  • If because of stuttering you have difficulty forming friends, having conversations, 

  • If you avoid speaking situations and opportunities due to fear of stuttering.

  • Experience negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, guilt or shame due to stuttering.


How can you start?

1. Book a free consultation call with us
In the 15 min call, our therapist will understand your needs and concerns and suggest the right stuttering treatment program for you.

2. Schedule your first session based on your convenience
You can choose any day from Monday to Saturday between 10 am to 7 pm for your weekly/biweekly sessions. 

3. Confirmation of sessions
Once your session is confirmed, a Zoom link/Google Meet link will be shared with you. All the sessions are for 40mins. A stuttering guidebook will also be sent to you. After each session, your therapist is going to assign practice tasks to be completed in the week. 

Stuttering treatment for Adults

Stuttering treatment for adults consists of :

1. Strategies to increase fluency and develop communication skills

2. Address Negative Reactions- Working on feelings associated with stammering, such as fear and anxiety

3. Speech Modification- Speech therapy for stammering can teach you to slow down your speech and learn to notice when you stutter. You may speak very slowly and deliberately when beginning speech therapy, but over time, you can work up to a more natural speech pattern.

4. Cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of psychotherapy can help you learn to identify and change ways of thinking that might make stuttering worse. It can also help you resolve stress, anxiety or self-esteem problems related to stuttering.

5. Increase participation- help them become active participants in life and help them gain gain confidence in speaking up and increasing their participation.

List of a few exercises and techniques for Stuttering treatment

1. Relaxation

2. Breathing

3. Prolongation

4. Pull-outs

5. Cancellation

6. Light Contact

7. Pausing

8. Voluntary stuttering

9. Reduced speech rate

10. Coordinating respiration with phonation

11. Pseudo-stuttering- stuttering on purpose

12. Mindfulness

Know more about exercises for stuttering for adults.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q. Why am I stuttering all of a sudden?

A. Sudden stuttering can be caused due to a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or any brain disorder. This type of stuttering is called neurogenic stuttering. Emotional distress, nervousness, and fear of public speaking or pressure can also cause sudden stuttering in individuals.

Q. What is the cause of stuttering?

A. Stuttering can be a result of genetic involvement as it's seen that stuttering runs in families. It can also be caused due to an abnormality in the timing, sensory, and coordination of speech motor control.

Q. How to overcome stuttering?

A. Speech therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy work wonder in overcoming stuttering. Individual needs to be motivated to attend therapy and practice intensively to see the desired results.

Q. Is stuttering permanent?

A. Research shows that children who started speech therapy at an early stage have shown a better prognosis and overcome stuttering quickly as compared to children who started late. Similarly, adults can start speech therapy as soon as possible which will facilitate their progress and get back to living their life. The aim of therapy is to make communication as effective as possible. 

Q. Is there a cure for stuttering?

A. Yes, we provide online speech therapy for adults with fluency disorders. Speech therapy has been proven to be very effective in treating stuttering disorders. Treatment may not eliminate stuttering forever but it will help the client have effective and fluent communication.

Q. What causes stuttering later in life?

A. Stuttering can be due to a brain disorder, stroke, traumatic brain injury or head injury, progressive neurological conditions, emotional distress, nervous and fearful situations, etc. 

Q. Why have I started stuttering?

A. Stuttering can be due to neurogenic, stress-related conditions like unexpected emotional distress, reoccurrence or relapse of stuttering, idiopathic or unknown reasons, or drug-related reasons. 

Q. Can stuttering be a sign of a seizure?

A. Neurological disorders that over time damage multiple brain functions like Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Epilepsy cause the onset of stuttering and other speech impediments in adults. It makes it extremely difficult to form, arrange, and speak words.

Q. Is stuttering contagious?

A. Stuttering is not contagious like the common cold and is not the result of bad parenting, a stressful childhood, or a traumatic event.

Q. Can stress cause stuttering?

A. Yes, stress, excitement, or frustration can cause stuttering to become more severe.

Sujatro Majumder

“I developed stuttering issues as a teenager and kept ignoring it for a long time. Sanya (from Sounderic) helped me get through it step by step. Speech therapy can immensely improve communication skills in your personal and professional lives. So, don't hesitate even if you're an adult..”


Yash Shahane

“Speaking is such an important aspect of our life but people who can easily converse often tend to not notice this fact easily....but people like me who are facing some or many problems while speaking even a simple sentence understand its importance. After 2/3 years when I detected, I had a stammer/block hurdle while speaking I decided to consult a therapist and came across Sanya Mam's Sounderic. Not a single day after that I felt she was my therapist. A friend is a perfect word to describe how she interacted with me. Simple tricks and lessons made me realize that it's not so hard to overcome your problem but yes you need to practice it continuously even when you feel you are doing good. This was the most important lesson mam taught me. So I will encourage all the people who face such problems that come out and seek help because it's really normal to have such a problem and it doesn't feel weird at all. Accepting our problems and acting upon them is the best we can do and with Sounderic I assure you that the results would be great but only if you yourself wish for it.”   

Gaurav Singh

“It was a great experience undergoing sessions under Ms. Sanya. It not only improved my social anxiety, but also improved my fluency, and tone of voice. I also learned to be assertive in social situations.”


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