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Online speech therapy for stuttering

Online Speech Therapy For Stuttering In Children

Overcome stuttering while sitting at home.

  • Does your child feel anxious, self-conscious, or avoids speaking?

  • Does your child lack confidence?

  • Is your child avoiding going out or meeting new people/making friends or even hesitating to ask questions?

No More! Sounderic has just the right treatment plans. 

Our Speech Therapists are professional, empathetic and understand what you are going through. They have helped 1000+ individuals overcome stuttering.

Online Speech Therapy
for Stuttering in a Child

Stuttering is a common disorder seen in children. As children develop and acquire speech and language, they often go through periods of normal disfluency. For some children, getting a sound out may be difficult, they repeat a lot of sounds and show tension and struggle while attempting to speak.

Speech Therapy or Fluency Therapy can be very effective in helping the child learn strategies or techniques to help modify his/her speech.

Many parents and guardians like you have come to us for their child's stuttering problem. As a parent, you’ll want to demonstrate an attitude of optimism and patience with your children. With comprehensive assessment and treatment, we have successfully helped many children overcome stuttering.

If you are looking for online speech therapy for your children who is stuttering then,


Why Choose Sounderic for Online Speech Therapy For Stuttering in Your Child?

Trained speech therapists

Open 6 days

a week

Affordable pricing

and plans

No waiting


Easily schedule appointment 

Areas of Expertise

Autism and Social Communication Disorder


and Fluency


Articulation and Phonological Disorder

What is stuttering ?

Stuttering is a speech disorder where the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases as well as involuntary silent pauses or blocks during which the person who stutters (PWS) is unable to produce sounds.

Why is my child stuttering ?

Stuttering can co-occur with other speech disorders. Risk factors for persistent Stuttering can include a

1. Family history of persistent stuttering,
2. Co-occurring speech and language impairments, time duration since onset of greater than 6 to 12 months, or no improvements over several months. Stuttering 
begins to appear as young children develop their language skills.
3. It also has a genetic component to it, therefore, an increased incidence of stuttering is noted amongst first-degree relatives such as a sibling or parent. Stuttering tends to run in families. However, the precise nature of the inheritance is unknown at present.
4. Brain differences: Studies show that children with stuttering showed differences in the way their brain works when they speak. In other words, individuals inherit a problem where speech muscles won’t do what they should do, when they are needed to do it.
5. It is also seen that boys are more likely to continue stammering as compared to girls. Also, children who start stuttering at age 3½ or later are more likely to continue stuttering.

Nothing about parenting style or the family environment is known to cause stuttering.

Psychological factors such as anxiety or stress can complicate the problem if it persists into late childhood and adolescence.

How many people in India have stuttering ?

The prevalence of stuttering in India is 10% as compared to countries like Great Britain, Australia, and America, which have prevalences of 0.75-1%. That is an estimated 11 to 12 million people in India. According to a survey report, only 45% of people with stuttering know about speech therapy as a treatment option while 55 % are still unaware.

How do I know if my child has stuttering ?

If the child's speech has worsened since six months and shows a lot of repetitions 

1. Part-word repetition of sounds and syllables (p-p-p-pot)

2. Prolonged sounds (Ttttttttttttable)

3. Blocks or stops( Difficulty getting sounds/words out, feeling stuck)

4. Avoiding words that are difficult to say

5. Shy around people or strangers, or shows anxiety when trying to speak

6. Dysfluent under certain speaking situations, and unexpected fluency in others.

7. Secondary behaviours like hand/foot-tapping, blinking, no eye contact, excessive sweating

"The best advice that can be given to parent of a child with stuttering is to consult a speech-language pathologist."

Speech Therapy Treatment Programs for Stuttering in Children

Management and Treatment of Stuttering is a journey. A journey that will come to fruition once you accept and work on it. 

Lidcombe Program

A program for children younger than 6 years of age administered by parents at home with the guidance of a speech-language pathologist. Click here to read more about the program.

Download the brochure of The Lidcombe Program.

Traditional Fluency Therapy

Here, we teach the child various stuttering modification and fluency shaping techniques.

Why choose Sounderic for Online speech therapy?

Stuttering can greatly interfere with school, work, and social interactions. The treatment can consist of a number of aspects like Speech Therapy and Psychological counseling.

  • Treatment of Stuttering is a journey that will only come to fruition if you work hard on it and practice all strategies and techniques regularly. the lack of understanding about stuttering, which could be eliminated through counseling during a speech therapy session, needs to be exposed.

  • After an evaluation, the speech therapist will teach the child various strategies and techniques for fluent speech. The SLP will ask if your child’s stuttering affects the way they play with others, or if stuttering makes it harder for them to participate in school. The SLP will use all of this information to decide if your child stutters or not.

  • The SLP will also test your child's speech and language. This includes how your child says sounds and words, how well they understand what others say, and how well they use words to talk about their thoughts. There are different ways to help with stuttering.

  • A treatment team usually includes you, your child, other family members, and your child's teacher. 

  • Direct and Indirect strategies are ways to help make it easier for your child to talk. These strategies can include slowing down your own speech and asking fewer questions. 


“Speaking is such an important aspect of our life but people who can easily converse often tend to not notice this fact easily....but people like me who are facing some or many problems while speaking even a simple sentence understand its importance. After 2/3 years when I detected, I had a stammer/block hurdle while speaking I decided to consult a therapist and came across Sanya Mam's Sounderic. Not a single day after that I felt she was my therapist. A friend is a perfect word to describe how she interacted with me. Simple tricks and lessons made me realize that it's not so hard to overcome your problem but yes you need to practice it continuously even when you feel you are doing good. This was the most important lesson mam taught me. So I will encourage all the people who face such problems that come out and seek help because it's really normal to have such a problem and it doesn't feel weird at all. Accepting our problems and acting upon them is the best we can do and with Sounderic I assure you that the results would be great but only if you yourself wish for it.”                                            Yash Shahane

My son has been taking speech therapy sessions for his stuttering. He being quite shy, the biggest challenge for any speech therapist was to establish a connection with him first. Given his short attention span, it was also very difficult to keep him glued and make him practice fluency techniques without him feeling bored. Surprisingly, Ms.Sanya managed it all so well. Conducting the sessions online enables us to achieve the same results that we used to achieve earlier with in-person sessions. I can say that Sounderic has best speech therapist in India.

           - Dayita Suvarna, Mother of an 8-year-old

Better care starts now!

When to get help? 

  • If the child's speech has worsened since six months and shows a lot of repetitions 

  • The child has started avoiding words that are difficult to say and is shy around people or strangers, or shows anxiety when trying to speak

  • There is a family history of stuttering.

  • The child is older than 3 years and stuttering is impacting their daily life.

  • Early intervention is essential for three reasons. The first is that it is known that children under 6 years old who stutter can receive social penalties from other children in the form of teasing and bullying. Second, if stuttering persists into the school years it starts to become difficult to treat. Third, if stuttering is not treated early it can cause problems later in life.


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